Lottery lyrics - Damien Jurado

Misfortune, got you like a sickness
The saints and angels all agree
Trouble sure as trouble sees it
I need it in writing to believe
To believe

The target was your heart in the beginning
Now there digging soft ground for your grave
I hope the mourners will bring plastic flowers
They'll drink to your death with pink champagne
Pink champagne

Now I hear your widow crying
Her weeping I made into this song
It's popular with the disco dancers
They'll play it on the radio all week long
All week long

Misfortune, got you like a sickness
And the saints, the angels all agree
Trouble sure as trouble sees it
I need it in writing to believe
To believe

Lion Tamer lyrics - Damien Jurado

We said goodbye a year ago
We sat within the farmhouse
So you know, don't you?

I went to the house alone
The power out, no telephone
You know, you'll know

The gun in the drawer
The long distance call
A story to tell

Patience drifts into the sound
You are nothing to me now
I need time to figure out
Save us now before we drown

Hello, goodbye I said last we met
I'll be easy to forget
You know, you'll know

An empty beer, the sealing broke
The saddest song we ever wrote
You'll know, don't you?

It's all for the best
It's not what it seems

The gun in the drawer
The long distance call
A story to tell

Patience drifts into the sound
You are nothing to me now
I need time to figure out
Save us now before we drown

Fuel lyrics - Damien Jurado

I was born in this town
My name taken from here
Three sisters and a brother
Who all died before me

When wickedness takes you
Like a child of its own
Nobody will befriend you
Nobody will defend you

I murdered the law here
I took on God here
So in place of your sins I bring you a Judas

So mother, burn my body
For fuel
Oh, mother, burn my body
For fuel

They say I'm a story
But the legend's all wrong
I was forced out of town
But kept in this song

See, it was you who made me
It is you who must take me
Love me or hate me
I'm still your son

So mother, burn my body
For fuel
Oh, mother, burn my body
For fuel
So mother, burn my body
For fuel.

Sucker lyrics - Damien Jurado

With both eyes closed I blew out his windows
A cheap shot, I know, but someone had to do it
"It isn't like he deserves it," that's easy for you to say
He's not your kind, he's not your type
Just look into his eyes

On my side of town we let the lights go down
Get out your knives and go for a long drive
I'm nothing special, a yard sale collectable for your table
Eventually you'll, too, gather dust like the rest of us
Left out to rust

So tell me tonight, can we be magnetic
Lightning will strike and some of us will get it
Now that I'm social, I'm at your disposal, a chair at the table
Eventually you'll, too, gather dust like the rest of us
Left out to rust

I Am The Mountain lyrics - Damien Jurado

Hello dessert heat
When did you leave me undone?
A bastard son to the wind
It blows me your direction

The houses in the meadows
Have all but shed their skin
And now a boneless shadow
That lies among the lilies

How long can you keep your distance
Who shall be my witness
How long can you keep your distance
Who shall be my witness

The mountain said to his daughter
"The hill shall be your husband"
So leave me now volcano
To destroy all God has given

How long can you keep your distance
Who shall be my witness
How long can you keep your distance
Who shall be my witness
How long can you keep your distance
Who shall be my witness
How long can you keep your distance
Who shall be my witness

Northbound lyrics - Damien Jurado

Northbound open, use left hand lane
I drive to a place where no one knows who I am
Stop lights broken, tail lights out
I speed without caution on a road made of ice

My body an engine, my car is a train
I don't feel guilty for the hurt or pain
Telephone message, we all ring twice
I speed without caution on a road made of ice

Icicle lyrics - Damien Jurado

I did not recognize you
You're playing with your face
Through your eyes I do despise you
There's not a person that I hate
But you.

When I could reach you from a distance
When I could sail upon the horizon
I left behind all those who mattered
The memory's gone, they're foggy to me
You'll see

I will not argue with you
There's only blackness in your heart
In the buildings that you tore down with your mind

No on told me you had feelings
They kept it secret and away from me
What would I give to have them silent
Their mouths all taken from them

When I could reach you from a distance
When I could sail upon the horizon
I left behind all those who mattered
They're all not gone, just blurry memory
You'll see

I will not argue with you
There's only blackness in your heart
In the buildings that you tore down with your mind

A Jealous Heart Is A Heavy Heart lyrics - Damien Jurado

I woke up this morning
With death at my window, singing
Come out, come with me,
It's friendship that I seek, and conversation
He left you a widow,
A dress made of shadow, you can't see through
And while he's out swimming,
He leaves you drowning in sorrow

You've convinced me he loves you
But he doesn't know you like I do
And I'll bring you treasure,
A love you can measure and I live
With a home on a hillside,
A castle and a grave site you can sleep in
So while he's out swimming,
He leaves you drowning in sorrow
Well while he's out swimming,
He leaves you drowning in sorrow
Grow old with me
Grow old with me
Grow old with me

"Walk Along The Fence" (2004)

Apart lyrics - Damien Jurado

You are what I need
You're everything
To me

Time can't tell us apart
Time can't tell us apart

You are what I need
You're everything
To me

Time can't tell us apart
Time can't tell us apart

Big Decision lyrics - Damien Jurado

Made a big decision
Think I left you out
Made a big decision
Think I left you out

Got a lot of problems
Think I'll work it out
Got a lot of problems
Think I'll work it out

Made a big decision
Think I left you out
Made a big decision
Think I left you out

Got a lot of problems
Think I'll work it out
Got a lot of problems
Think I'll work it out

Let Down lyrics - Damien Jurado

Here comes a big letdown
It anchors your soul

In sadness
She left you
Standing alone

One more time, he promised
Not this time
Where is the love that binds us?
Not this time

Here comes a big letdown
It anchors your soul

Holding hands
She left you
Holding your own

One more time, he promised
Not this time
Where is the love that binds us?
Not this time
Could you please forgive us?
Not this time

Black Eyes lyrics - Damien Jurado

I love you
I think that's what she told me

I've run through
And I could want you only
And I could want you only
And if you give me money

It's nothing
She said and then she hit me

I love you
Sometimes so much it kills me
Sometimes so much it kills me
Sometimes so much it kills me

Sometimes so much it kills me
And if you give me money

EP: "Just In Time For Something" (2004)

Smith 1972 lyrics - Damien Jurado

I am dead weight, I am no one
You would notice I am a hurricane
I drop houses my breath, my wind
Strong like an oxen chained to a fence
I will not bend, lucky I guess
I will not bend, lucky I guess

Motion Sickness lyrics - Damien Jurado

The ship it will not leave you
The land it makes sure to keep you
And I have no money for my bets

Told you I was with it
You said I should forget it and move on
So I did

Cathy, you feel the movement
Every time I walk into the room

Fear it will not leave you
Ghosts intend to keep you
And I have no more candy for the kids

Told you that you'd hate it
But it'd take so much convincing so move on
And you did

Cathy, I feel the movement
Every time I walk into the room

Cathy, I feel the movement
Every time I walk into the room

Night Out For The Downer lyrics - Damien Jurado

Shirley, I don't blame you
For not wanting to hang out tonight
I'm all that you accuse me
I'm a sinking ship tied to my lover's waist

And when I open up
Is when you're closing down
Shirley, why don't we

Shirley, what you're asking
And I'm not sure what you want from me
I can't be all you wish for
I'm a sinking ship tied to my lover's waist

And when I open up
Is when you're closing down
Shirley, why don't we

And when I open up
Is when you're closing down
Shirley, why don't we

Prices lyrics - Damien Jurado

I love you, I think that's what she told me
I'm falling and I could want you only
And if you give me money then I could want you always

It's nothing, she said and then she hit me
I love you, sometimes so much it kills me
Sometimes so much it kills me
Sometimes so much it kills me
Sometimes so much it kills me
Oh if you give me more

Engine Fire lyrics - Damien Jurado

Let's pull I have
Brake failure and a flat tire
No water no power and an engine fire

If I call you can I call you collect
I don't mean to be a bother
To make you upset
50 miles of broken bones
I've got 50 miles of broken hearts
Something tells me that
Home is this way or maybe that way

Here's a road map let's find Nevada
They've got places to stay
Busted taillights, no water
Sunburns and an engine fire
Busted taillights, no water
Sunburns and an engine fire
Busted taillights, no water
Sunburns and an engine fire

"Where Shall You Take Me?" (2003)

Amateur Night lyrics - Damien Jurado

First came the scream and blood on the floor
The alcohol and magazines
In my flashlight you were a star
A razor blade that cuts you clean

Smile for the camera take off that dress
Twenty dollars for a kiss
It's me who made you
It's me who will take you

I am not an evil man
I just have a habit I can't kick
It starts with an urge
And ends with picking up the phone
I ain't finished yet

Omaha lyrics - Damien Jurado

The cowboy of Omaha drives with his three kids
To the house where they live, where you been

This country will know us by name
This country will know us by name

We've been out driving and seeing the sights
The land of Nebraska is beautiful at night

This country will know us by name
This country will know us by name

Our car was the ship and daddy the captain
He let us steer and pretend we were driving

This country will know us by name
This country will know us by name
This country will know me by name

Abilene lyrics - Damien Jurado

I fell in love with a girl of nineteen
A black-haired girl I called Abilene
"Young girl, where's your husband?"
"Sadly," she replied, "I do not have one"
"Then it's you I'll marry with your parents' permission"

"No, fine sir, they will not let me marry
For I am a young girl
And you are a man without money"
"Then I'll come by your window
Tonight when they both will be sleeping

"Outside your window
In a carriage, I will be waiting
They'll awake, find you gone,
Rub their eyes, and think they're dreaming"
And never did they think
That their Abilene would leave them

"Now, fine sir, where is it you shall take me?
Is it in the mountains high
Or is it the deep blue sea?"

Texas To Ohio lyrics - Damien Jurado

From the window to the doorway
This is the way we planned our escape
Five miles of road, three hours of conversation
My feet and ears could only take so much

From Texas to Ohio is too long a walk
Even if it's with someone you love
Five miles in the walk you already want to do them in

Through the heat and humidity
My mind keeps going back to the first time I met you
How weeks after dating, I could never get a hold of you

"I don't know where she's at
You should try calling back tomorrow"

From the window to the threshold
This is the way we learn from our mistakes
You leave all your friends for someone you think you love

Through the for the better and the worse
My mind keeps going back to the first time I met you
How weeks after dating, I could never get a hold of you

"I don't know where she's at
You should try calling back tomorrow"

Window lyrics - Damien Jurado

I am looking at a beautiful window
That window is your eyes
And the only time I saw rainfall
Was the day your mother died

And I am looking at a beautiful rainbow
The rainbow is your smile
Oh, the only time I heard laughter
Was the day I took you as my bride

I am looking at a beautiful window
The window is your eyes
Oh, the only time I saw rainfall
Was the day your mother died

And I am walking with my Savior
My Savior walks with me
Oh, He will guide me up to heaven
Where you & I shall meet

I Can't Get Over You lyrics - Damien Jurado

I can't get over
No, I can't get over you
Seems no matter what I do
I can't get over you

I have tried sleeping
Just to get over you
And I have tried dreaming
But all of my thoughts were of you

I can't get over
No, I can't get over you
Seems no matter what I do
I can't get over you

It seems no matter what I do
I can't get over you
No, I can't get over you

Intoxicated Hands lyrics - Damien Jurado

She took advantage of intoxicated hands
And he pretended to be asleep
But underneath the blankets
Their legs linked like a chain

Now come tomorrow morning
How will you explain?

Was it that whiskey talking
Or is it your heart
That made you say I love you to me
As you held me in your arms
And you'll have the explanation
For that, what has come about

I loved you, seven long years
And now, that you found me out
Just get out

I was just like the others
I wanted to be more
Shame it took that whiskey baby
To bring me to your door
You'll have the explanations
For that what has come about

When I loved you seven long years, my boy, and
Now that you found me out
Just get out

Tether lyrics - Damien Jurado

Come, o come
Come away, Heather
Who is the boy
That you keep by your arm?

That drags a cat
Around by a tether
Who is the boy
That you keep by your arm?

I must say
He looks not familiar
Is he a stranger
From some other town?

The townfolks say
He looks quite peculiar
They've never seen
His kind come 'round

Tell me, o tell me
Will he be your husband?
Will you, o will you
Will you be his bride?

Will you stay in the house
And provide him with children?
Are you sure
He will not leave your side?

When tears fill your eyes
Whom shall you run to?
You can run
To the house on the hill

In this house
You will find me standing
By a window
Waiting for you

Matinee lyrics - Damien Jurado

We all cried at the ending
We all stayed for the credits
And I kept my ticket as a souvenir

We found our way by the usher's light
To the place outside where we parked the bikes
Underneath a neon sign

Matinee, hey hey, why go late
When the movies are cheaper during the day

We come down about twice a week
To put our feet on the theater seats
Admission's cheap and the soda's free

Well, my best friend's girl works the ticket stand
When the boss is gone, she gets us in
We all see a matinee

Matinee, hey hey, why go late
When the movies are cheaper during the day

We all cried at the ending
We all stayed for the credits
And I kept my ticket as a souvenir

O, my best friend's girl works the ticket stand
When the boss is gone, she gets us in
We all see a matinee

Matinee, hey hey, why go late
When the movies are cheaper during the day

Matinee, hey hey, why go late
When the movies are cheaper during the day

Bad Dreams lyrics - Damien Jurado

I have fell victim to you
Troubles I have seen, many years
From high windows I have called you
So come, save me from this fire

Forget all who hurt you, they don't know you
Come rest your tired body in my arms
From the bedroom I have called you
So come, save me from this fire

And I have bad dreams
I've done so many bad things
And I have bad dreams
I've done so many bad things
So come, save me from this fire

I Am The Greatest Of All Liars lyrics - Damien Jurado

I'm the suicide with blanks
I am fire in the tank
I'm the dishes in the sink

I'm the silence you can hear
I'm a voice inside your head
I'm a word that's never said

I'm the blood upon your sheets
I'm the air you cannot breathe
I'm the darkness you can see

I'm the pain inside your back
I'm the joke that you don't get
I'm the razor at your neck

I'm the lie that you will tell
I'm the soul that you will sell
I'm the vomit on your sleeve

I'm the reason you all fell

Oh Death Art With Me lyrics - Damien Jurado

I was courted by Death today
In an attempt to take my life
He showed up with a nice bouquet
Of flowers for my grave

He said, "Come with me now
And we can take my horse and carriage"
He led me six feet underground
Where the worms will eat my skin

"You will not need your body, son
For, the devil, he just wants your soul
He has had his eyes on you
Since the day you stepped in this world"

I was courted by Death today
In an attempt to take my life
He showed up with a nice bouquet
Of flowers for my grave

He said, "Come with me now
And we can take my horse and carriage"
He led me six feet underground
Where the worms will eat my skin

Big Let Down lyrics - Damien Jurado

Here comes that big let down
It anchors your soul
In sadness she left you
Standing alone

One more time he promised
Not this time
Where is the love that binds us
Not this time

Here comes that big let down
It anchors your soul
Holding hands she left you
Holding your own

One more time he promised
Not this time
Where is the love that binds us
Not this time
Can you please forgive us
Not this time

Now You're Swimming lyrics - Damien Jurado

Now you're swimming
It don't even feel right
You hate your body
You know it shows

They're acting crazy
Out there in the deep end
They're shouting curse words
And acting crazy

You got a cop for a dad
And you don't want any more
Off-duty advice now

You got a saint in the eye
And you don't want any more
Guilt-tripping advice now

We'll figure it out
And they can keep you in the dark
Afternoon is your own time
Alone time

We'll figure it out
And then we'll keep you in the dark
Afternoon is the wrong time

And now you're painting
And you don't even feel right
You hate the colors
And you know they'll bleed

They're acting foolish
Out there in the darkroom
Rolling quarters
Going wild

You got a cop in your face
And you don't want any more
Time left alone with him

You got a saint for a mom
And you know all the ways out
The back door and on out

They'll figure it out
And then they'll keep you in the dark
Afternoon is your own time
Alone time

We'll figure it out
And then we'll keep you in the dark
Afternoon is the wrong time

Butcher's Boy lyrics - Damien Jurado

(originally by Peggy Seeger)

She went upstairs to make her bed
Not one word to her mother said
Her mother she went upstairs too
Saying "Daughter, oh daughter, what troubles you?"

"Oh mother, oh mother, I cannot tell
That butcher's boy I love so well
He courted me my life away
And now at home he will not stay"

"There is a place in London town
Where that butcher's boy goes and sits down
He takes that strange girl on his knee
He tells her things he don't tell me"

Her father he comes home from work
Saying "Where is my daughter, she looks so hurt"
He went upstairs to give her hope
Found her hanging from a rope

He took his knife and he cut her down
In her bosom these words were found
"Go dig my grave both wide and deep
Place a marble slab at my head and my feet

And on my stone, place a snow white dove
To warn this world I died for love"

Oh mother, oh mother
Oh Mother me
Oh mother, oh mother
Mother me

Oh Lord, oh Lord
Lord in me
Oh Lord, oh Lord
Lord in me

Oh Lord, oh Lord
Lord in me
Oh Lord, oh Lord
Lord in me

"I Break Chairs" (2002)

Paperwings lyrics - Damien Jurado

Go put on your brand new paper wings
I don't mind, well as long as I can fly

Here's a noose for your head
Here's some tape for that broken wing it's sewn

Go put on your brand new dancing shoes
I don't mind, well as long as I'm with you

Here's a noose for your head
Here's some tape for that broken wing it's sewn

Go put on your brand new paper wings
I don't mind, well as long as I can fly

Here's a noose for your head
Here's some tape for that broken wing it's sewn

Dancing lyrics - Damien Jurado

Smoke that cigarette and down another drink
Call your other in-crowd friends instead of calling me

And it's who's got what and what can I take
Take what you got just try to make a fast break
It's who's got what and what can I take
Well I'll take what you got just try to make a fast break

Just sit down and go dancing
Just sit down

Smoke that cigarette and down another drink on me
Well you've got better things to be done
Than to be seen with me

Well it's who's got what and what can I take
Take what you got just try to make a fast break
It's who's got what and what can I take
Well I'll take what you got just try to make a fast break

Just sit down, there's no dancing

Well it's who's got what and what can I take
Take what you got just try to make a fast break
It's who's got what and what can I take
Well I'll take what you got just try to make a fast break

Just sit down, there's no dancing
Just sit down

Birdcage lyrics - Damien Jurado

Now the sun is coming out
It's better than the rain
I finally wipe away the clouds
Leave me here and

Maybe I'll be fine
As long as I have you on the right

So much easier to get out
I'm breaking from my cage
Kill the lights and burn it down
Leave the keys and

Maybe I'll be fine
As long as I have you on the right

Inevitable lyrics - Damien Jurado

Open your eyes here comes a bigger part
And seek and define the answers are easy to read

Face that inevitable
Face that inevitable

Open your eyes here comes a bigger part
You seek and define the answers are easy to read

Face that inevitable
Face that inevitable
Face that inevitable
Face that inevitable

Air Show Disaster lyrics - Damien Jurado

Listen here, see
I know how to make you famous
Listen to me, I know
They listen to me
'Cause I'm the one who makes them famous
Listen to me, they know

It's another nice day for an air show disaster

Listen here, see
Something that will make you nervous
Listen to me, then go
They listen to me
And I'm the one who makes them famous
Someday you'll see and know

It's another nice day for an air show disaster
Just another nice day for an air show disaster
Just another nice day at an air show disaster

So come on
So come on
So come on
So come on

Never Ending Tide lyrics - Damien Jurado

I am standing on her shore
With the anchor and the oars
She's gonna move you like the never ending tide

And I'm standing on her shore
With the mermaids and the whores
She's gonna move you like the never ending tide

She's gonna move you like the never ending tide
She's gonna move you like the never ending tide
She's gonna move you like the never ending tide
She's gonna move you like the never ending tide
She's gonna move you like the never ending tide
She's gonna move

Big Deal lyrics - Damien Jurado

It's like I told you
You'll never be as good
And there's someone always better
To take your place

Once you were the first in line
Now you're in the back
Receiving cards and thank you letters
PS please don't come back

It's like I told you
You'll never be as fast
And there's someone always faster
To take your place

Once I told you things look brighter
And now they're turning black
In this world without a compass
And you can't find your way back

It's like I told you
It's like I told you
It's like I told you
It's like I told you

Once I told you that things look brighter
And now they're turning black
In this world without a compass
And you can't find your way back

It's like I told you
It's like I told you
It's like I told you
It's like I told you

The Way You Look lyrics - Damien Jurado

From the ceiling to the floor
I find I'm wanting more
It's so much a part of it

When I drop down from the sky
So much I could find
In a happy house so high above the clouds

It's not the way that you look, no
It all depends how you feel
It's just the way that it is
I wanna be you
I wanna be you

Breaking hearts, they make no sound
In this I have found an excuse for jealousy
Kill the sun and make them blind
So much they will find
In a happy house so high above the clouds

It's not the way that you look, no
It all depends how you feel
It's just the way that it is
I wanna be you
I wanna be you

It's not the way that you look, no
It all depends how you feel
It's just the way that it is
I wanna be you
I wanna be you
I wanna be you
I wanna be you

Castles lyrics - Damien Jurado

Castles that you're building
Eventually come falling down
Castles that you're building
Eventually come falling down

I will try to erase it all
From my mind, it's easy
It's easy

People who you talk about
Eventually will find you out
People who you talk about
Eventually will hunt you down

I will try to erase it all
From my mind, it's easy
It's easy

Like Titanic lyrics - Damien Jurado

There's a place where Jean and I go
To escape this dull existence
We go dancing and we set fires and
We tell secrets and tell them lies

I have many questions
Places I keep going
I don't know the meaning of "no trespassing"

Me and Jeanie, we get drunk and we
Take her dad's car for a ride and
Pockets empty, we have no money
For tobacco or the movies

I have many problems
Fears I can't ignore
I don't know the meaning of "self destruction"
I have many questions
Places I keep going
I don't know the meaning of "no trespassing"

Some say Jeanie, she's my downfall
With the pills and alcohol
She can sink me like Titanic, and
Make my blood spill to her shores

I have many questions
Places I keep going
I don't know the meaning of "no trespassing"
I have many problems
Fears I can't ignore
I don't know the meaning of "self destruction"

Some say boredom, it's a killer, you
End up breaking hearts like chairs

I have many questions
Places I keep going
I don't know the meaning of "no trespassing"
I have many problems
Fears I can't ignore
I don't know the meaning of "self destruction"

Parade lyrics - Damien Jurado

I'm coming to town, get ready to leave
Pack up the things, roll up the sleeves

So different

Can't tell the things your money saved
Get in the car for the parade

So different

So different

Lose My Head lyrics - Damien Jurado

I won't pretend not to see you looking
I smile and walk the other way

Kept alive in pictures
Still shots of you sleeping
And I play the movies in my mind

If I ever lose my head
Don't ever let me lose my head

High above me far from all who see you
You play the hero in my song

This is my blue one
That one makes me happy
Call in another round of cheer

If I ever lose my head
Don't ever let me lose my head

If I ever lose my head
Don't ever let me lose my head

I won't pretend not to see you looking
I smile and walk the other way

Kept alive in pictures
Still shots of you sleeping
And I play the movies in my mind

If I ever lose my head
Don't ever let me lose my head

If I ever lose my head
Don't ever let me lose my head

EP: "Four Songs" (2001)

Spitting Teeth lyrics - Damien Jurado

If he says too much
Then you should shut him up
For I am a violent man

From town to town
You laugh out loud
Share a drink and smile

December will bring harsh winds
And I, the battered face
Beaten to a pulp they will not recognize you

Can you still kiss with a fat lip
Can you still hug her with a broken limb

Pick the glass from your face
And spit out broken teeth

How I Broke My Legs lyrics - Damien Jurado

This is how I broke both of my legs

Won't run to you
Won't run to you
I will not follow

Won't sing to you
Won't dance with you
I will not lead

This is how I broke both of my legs
Jumping from high above your ledge

I won't run to you
Won't dance with you
I will not follow

I won't run to you
Won't sing for you
I will not fold

Won't sing for you
Won't dance with you
I will not fold

The Killer lyrics - Damien Jurado

Go put out the fire
And I'll meet you on the other side
Walk with me alone
I will not harm you
Or let you die

The paper said I'm a killer
Papers lie

Tomorrow we will drive
To North California state line
If you call off the guns
I'll call off the dogs

Go put out the fire
Boy, I'll meet you on the other side
Walk with me alone
Just might cut you
Or leave you to die

The papers said I'm a killer
The papers were right

Tomorrow we will drive
To your brand new burial site
If you call off the guns
I'll call off the dogs
If you call off the guns, well,
I'll call of the dogs...

They'll never find you
They'll never catch me, no...

Flowers In The Yard lyrics - Damien Jurado

Saturday will be the day
The day won't be back
Saturday will be the day, she said
We won't be back

Flowers in the yard
They need water
Give them all your love
Don't let the die like we did

Saturday will be the day
The day you won't come back
Saturday will be the day, she said
Won't be back

Flowers in the yard
They need water
Give them all your love
Don't let them die like we did

The child in the car
She's your daughter
Give her all your love
Don't let her die like we did

"Ghost Of David" (2000)

Medication lyrics - Damien Jurado

It just so happens I have many concerns
My brother's down the road and my lover in town
They both need affection
And some kind of love

Well I'm the one who gives it at any given time
From two in the morning to six
Call me up and cry

My lover keeps it secret that we meet under covers
When asked by her man if we two are lovers
She says, "I hardly know him.
Besides, he's not my type."

Her man's a policeman with a keen sense of trouble
He's known just by danger
And all kinds of liars

Brother called this morning in a terrible panic
Spies in the closet, bugs in the attic
He screams bloody murder saying,
"We're all gonna die.

Death is upon me, I know 'cause he showed me
Pictures of graveyards and us underneath."

I'm losing my hearing from my brother screaming,
"They're coming to get me and
Someone call the police."

Two in the morning, the phone disconnected
Her man knows I'm calling, it's what I expected
A note on my backdoor saying, "Baby not tonight."

So I sit with my brother who is nursing a cut wrist
He's mumbling "Forgive me."
And "Don't let them take me away."

I can be a good boy and stay out of trouble
Jackie I love you and
Don't let them take your brother

Strapped to a table, go in electrodes
"Jackie come save me the doctors will kill me."
"No, they're here to help you
Straighten out your mind."

The TV is blaring with some preacher saying that
God is among us and he hears our cries

Lord, do me a favor
It's wrong but I ask you
Take my brother's life

'Cause he's sick of the suffering
The pills he's inhaling
The cross he is bearing
That is his trouble mind

Desert lyrics - Damien Jurado

Tell me when tomorrow comes
I'll be the first to ride
Start the car and honk the horn
I'll be right outside

Pour a drink and open wide
I have things to tell
I have seen the brighter side
Of the roads that lead to hell

Yesterday is miles away
You'll miss it if you blink
And I've found my salvation in
The places where you drink

You can say you're on my side
And I know that's a lie
'Cause given the chance you'd stab my back
And leave me here to die

Just give me the keys tonight
I'm happy when I drive
Revenge is the perfect word
For what I have in mind

Desert lives bring deserted lives
I know from first hand
We're moved around like circus clowns
When laughter's in demand

Johnny Go Riding lyrics - Damien Jurado

Johnny let's go out riding
to a place outside of town
I go there every Sunday
To watch the sun go down

There's plenty of girls who know you
They've been asking where you've been
Johnny don't disappoint them
They'd all like to you see you away again

Willy, I don't think I'm ready
To leave this house of mine
You go out and tell them
I'm not the social kind

Some men they are lovers
And others the fighting type
Me, I'm in the middle of
Choosing which one I'd like to be

Judy, she's out catching
Rides in passing cars
The memories of me and her
Have burned out like the stars

But me, I'm not disappointed
In knowing that she's free
Someday down the line
I knew she'd one day up and leave

Willy, forget you're troubles
And lay back on the grass
There's no need to get nostalgic
Thinking about the past

What's gone is gone, what's here is now
She standing by a fence
She's wearing a beautiful party dress
And wanting you to dance

Great Today lyrics - Damien Jurado

I have the potential to be great today
Everyone I know will see the change
To be greater than I have before
Drawing lines that drag me to the floor

You could be so much better

Something tells me that you're on my side
Feeding me words that one day will kill my pride
You're too much for me that's what you said
You're too much for me that's what you said

I see potential
You could be so much better

You could be so much better

Tonight I Will Retire lyrics - Damien Jurado

Oh tonight I will retire
To the arms of my lover
The sweetest kiss she will give
As I lay down beside her

What will she think
When she awakes
Just to find I have left here

Oh tonight I will retire
To these hands with revolver
And I don't fear death
I will commit
Like an old friend I've known forever

So come on in, take me on
No I won't stay here no longer

And if I should taste fire
Save me not, I deserve to die

And oh tonight I will retire
To loving arms of my savior
And we will walk through his gates
To the skies of Heaven

And no more tears will I cry
Are my sins, are they forgiven

And if I should taste fire
Save me not, I deserve to die
And if I should taste fire
Save me not, I deserve to die

Ghost Of David lyrics - Damien Jurado

I've see you walk desert highways
Come on out they're waiting for you
Mother lost her one and only
Fear the worst for dead are many

And I've seen the ghost of David
In the house of his childhood
Forget him not, still he loves you
Life is short but love's eternal

Come on out we're waiting for you
Come on out we're waiting for you

Parking Lot lyrics - Damien Jurado

In the window by a phone
She waits for him at home
She waits a long time

In the vacant parking lot
Watching couples with their kids
Where did we go wrong

Words were spoken words were lost
Rings were given vows forgot
Where did we go wrong

Monday comes you find a note
I've left town this time for good
What did I do wrong

Vacant bedrooms pictures fade
Moments when the times were good
When did it all go bad

Rearview lyrics - Damien Jurado

She don't, she don't keep you moving
I know, I know how to move you
Does it every time
You're gonna lose your mind

She don't, she don't keep you in the rearview
She wants presents you can't give her
She does it every time
She's gonna lose her mind
She's talking to herself at night

Paxil lyrics - Damien Jurado

I need the [?] to come today
Because the medication kicked in
Beneath this big exterior
Is a heart that doesn't work

Leave me alone 'cause I'm
There's no telling what will go down

My head is on fire
My hands are on fire
I am on fire

My head is on fire
My hands are on fire
I am on fire

Walk With Me lyrics - Damien Jurado

Walk with me down the street
Walk with me to Water Street

December lyrics - Damien Jurado

Winter, put on your coat
They're expecting a cold one

Plenty of ice and snow
On the North Dakota plains

December, you killed a man
Trapped in his car for hours

He couldn't call for help
'Cause all of the lines were down

They found him in his car
Hands stuck to the steering wheel

Winter, I found it out
How you can be so cruel

Boy you just watch you back
'Cause one day I'll kill you too

They'll find you in your car
Hands stuck to steering wheel

They'll find you in your car
Hands stuck to steering wheel

Rosewood Casket lyrics - Damien Jurado

There's a little rosewood casket
That is resting on the stand
There's a package of old letters
Written by my loved one's hand

Go and bring them to me, brother
Come and sit upon my bed
Lay your head upon my pillow
While each cherished line is read

Read them gently to me, brother
Read them 'til I fall asleep
For the sleep to wake in heaven
Oh dear brother do not weep

Last night I saw him walking
With a lady by his side
And I thought I heard him tell her
She could never be his bride

When at last I'm gone forever
And my friends are gathered round
And my narrow grave is ready
In some lonesome church yard ground

There's a little rosewood casket
That is resting on the stand
There's a package of old letters
Written by my loved one's hand

"Rehearsals For Departure" (1999)

"Rehearsals For Departure" (1999)

Ohio lyrics - Damien Jurado

Out from my window across from the city
I have what's considered a good view
Two blocks from the subway, three from the fountain
Where I walk to break in new shoes

She stands on the sidewalk just waving at taxis
Like horses in parades in passing
I ask where she's headed she tells me,
"Ohio, I've not seen my mother in ages
It's been a long time, a real long time."

Out from my window "How far is Ohio?"
She laughed and pointed out east
She said, "I grew up there with my dear mother
And I haven't seen her since thirteen.

You see, I was taken while she lay sleeping
By my father's hired man
We moved to city so far from my family
I haven't been back there since.
It's been a long time, a real long time."
A real long time

Out from my window please hear me Ohio
Your daughter wants to come home
She longs to be with you to hug you to kiss you
To never leave her alone

And I've gotten know her to live with to love her
It's hard to see her leave
She belongs to her mother and the state of Ohio
I wish she belonged to me

See you sometime, see you sometime
See you sometime

Tragedy lyrics - Damien Jurado

Girl, the life you're leading
With the lying and the cheating is hard
You got yourself a boyfriend
Treats you like a lady and friend

No one sees the tragedy except for me

Girl, the life you're leading
With the drinking and the cheating ain't good
You had yourself a boyfriend and
Used him like the others you did

Trust me, you're in deep
It's no good

Trust me, you're in deep
It's no good

Trust me, you're in deep
Trust me, you're in deep
It's no good

Curbside lyrics - Damien Jurado

I would come out just see you
Dancing freely by the sunset
Like the sun you'd shine brightly

We'd spend hours by the curbside
Telling stories under streetlights
How your words would amaze me

Now those days are gone
Slowly they slipped away
Now those days are gone

I still go out by the old house
Where I met you our first summer
Where are you now, you're with another

I am sitting by the curbside
Where we'd hang out under streetlights
How those times still are with me

Now those days are gone
Slowly they slip away
Now those days are gone

Now those days are gone
Slowly they slip away
Now those days are gone

Honey Baby lyrics - Damien Jurado

I spend the last night in your bedroom, sleeping
Your head was laid upon my pillow, dreaming
Is this the first time, baby
Is this the last time, well maybe
Is this the first time, baby
Is this the last time, well maybe

I spent the last night in your room
Kickin' these wishes to the moon
To the moon

I spend the last night in your bedroom, sleeping
Your head was laid upon my shoulder, dreaming
Is this the first time, baby
Is this the last time, well maybe
Is this the first time, baby
Is this the last time, well maybe

I spent the last night in your room
Kickin' these wishes to the moon
I spent the last night in your room
Kickin' these wishes to the moon
To the moon

Is this the first time, baby
Is this the last time, well maybe
Is this the first time, baby
Is this the last time, maybe

Eyes For Windows lyrics - Damien Jurado

I used to be the someone you would run to
My eyes, they were the windows you would look through
Now much to your surprise looking through these eyes
You found beauty

I used to be the someone you would talk to
My eyes, they were the windows you would look through
Now much to your surprise looking through these eyes
You saw beauty

Now much to your surprise looking through these eyes
You found me

Letters & Drawings lyrics - Damien Jurado

Goodbye angel
Hands in your pockets
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe you'll come back sometime

She boards a Greyhound
With a ticket to Jersey
A gray colored backpack
Full of all her belongings

A kiss from the window
Tells me she loves me
And how she's sending
Letters and drawings
But the letters never came

So I waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring

Goodbye angel
Hands in your pockets
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe you'll call me sometime

Small towns to cities
She one day calls me
Tells me that she's married
I took it badly

Moments of silence
Sounds of her laughing
"When are you sending
Letters and drawings?"
But the letters never came

So I waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring

Goodbye angel
Hear you're successful
Maybe tomorrow
Maybe you'll come back sometime

Hands in your pockets
Here's where you left me
Only with memories
When we were just 16

But the letters never came
So I waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring
Waited by the phone
To hear it ring

Love The Same lyrics - Damien Jurado

You don't love me that way
The words that you say
Make it obvious now
Why try pretending you care
When feelings aren't there
Just be honest with me

It's not getting easier
With the two of us just standing here
Knowing we don't love the same
Love the same, love the same

I said, "Don't feel ashamed
Feelings just change
It's so clear to me now.
Don't cry you can't deny
Both of us tried for each other."

It's not getting easier
With the two of us just standing here
Knowing we don't love the same
Love the same, love the same

You don't love me that way
The words that you say
Make it obvious now

Saturday lyrics - Damien Jurado

Blue eyes fading
Not a word, not one
You will say
"It all has changed me"
Now you've gone
Nothing left to see

Sad eyes closing
Not a tear, not one
You will say,
"Love can't change me"
And you were wrong
To think it could

Tornado lyrics - Damien Jurado

She spends her time with other boys
He spends his time fixing cars
She doesn't mind that he's gone
It gives her more time to talk
He'll come around when he's bored
And she'll pay him no mind

"We must stop meeting like this,"
He said with a grin while walking in
And she just slammed the door in his face
"We must stop meeting like this,"
He said with a grin while walking in
And she just slammed the door in his face

I'll see you around
I'll see you around sometime
I'll see you around
I'll see you around sometime

She hangs her coat on the door
He hangs his head on her hopes
She sleeps alone with her thoughts
She dreams of good times
He'll come around when he's old
She'll pay him no mind

"We must stop meeting like this,
Coming to bed with no words said
Makes it tougher on both of us."
"We must stop meeting like this,
Coming to bed with no words said
Makes it tougher on both of us."

I'll see you around
I'll see you around sometime
I'll see you around
I'll see you around sometime

It used to be much better than this
It used to be much better than this
It used to be much better than this
It used to be so much better than this
It used to be

Rehearsals For Departure lyrics - Damien Jurado

I'll come down tomorrow morning
And meet you at our new location
In front of City Bookstore
Across the street from the railway station

She tells me how her night was spent
Nursing coffee and cigarettes
You waited til your husband left
To pack your things and off you went

He wouldn't notice that you'd left
Til morning when the drink wore off
He stayed out all night with his friends
Never to return again

In front of City Bookstore
Across the street from the railway station
You show up with your suitcase
Ten dollars and a sad expression

She tells me that it's all over now
She's done her time and now she's out
From the prison that she calls a house
Where she stayed put while he went out

She left him a note taped to the door
Saying, "Babe I won't be back no more
I can't find reasons for me to stay
Married to you and your cheating ways."

Walked her out to the train
Couldn't hide my pain
Or these tears that flow
From my eyes like rain
That September morning, 1959

EP: "Gathered In Song" (1998)

Chevrolet lyrics - Damien Jurado

Heard you got a brand new Chevrolet
You're leaving today
I heard you got all your money saved
You're leaving today
You're leaving today

What shall I tell all your friends
When they ask of you
What shall I tell your mom
When she asks of you

Shall I tell her that you're gone
Gone and left me all alone

Girl it's awfully cold at night
I need you by my side
Girl it's awfully cold at night
I miss you by my side

You're leaving today
You're leaving today

Heard you got a brand new Chevrolet

Simple Hello lyrics - Damien Jurado

A simple hello would've been nice
Instead you walked right by
I do recall we used to be friends
Has it slipped your mind

I used to call you on the telephone
Each and every night
Every time I see you with him
I think, "Why even try?"

I think I've had enough
I think I've lost my mind
I think I've had enough
I think I've lost my mind
This time, this time

We used to be the best of friends
I guess now things have changed
You're far too busy with making out
Do you still know my name

I think I've had enough
And I think I've lost control
I think I've had enough
And I think I've lost control
So it goes, so it goes

I think I've had enough
I think I've lost my mind
I think I've had enough
I think I've lost my mind

Happy Birthday John lyrics - Damien Jurado

Happy birthday, John
Where has your sweetheart gone
She left today with one week's pay
And the boy she calls your son

Let's not wait for your invitation
Pour yourself a drink
And think about what happened

Happy birthday, John
The warning lights were on
But you were far too gone
To notice what went wrong

Let's not wait for your invitation
Pour yourself a drink
And think about what happened

Happy birthday, John
Where has your sweetheart gone
The warning signs were on
Happy birthday, John

Let's not wait for your invitation
Pour yourself a drink
And think about what happened

Let's not wait for your invitation
Pour yourself a drink
And think about what happened

East Virginia lyrics - Damien Jurado

I was born and raised in East Virginia
North Carolina I did go
There I met a pretty young maiden
Her name and age I do not know

Her hair it was of a light brown color
Lips they were a ruby red
And on her breast she wore white lilies
Where I long to lay my head

I'd rather be in some dark holler
Where the sun won't ever shine
Than to see you wed another
Girl you know you'd never be mine

I was born and raised in East Virginia
North Carolina I did go
There I met a pretty young maiden
Her name and age I do not know

To Those Who Will Burn... lyrics - Damien Jurado

If you were to live
Among the living and the dead
Would you honestly say
You would want no part of this


If you were to sleep
Among the living and the dead
Could you honestly say
You would never dream of this


You will tear down
And I will build up
You will tear down, I will build up
You will tear down
And I will build up
You will tear down, I will build up

As You Wish lyrics - Damien Jurado

If you need me, I'll come running
If you call me, I'll come quickly

But if you need to be alone
You know I'll gladly leave you

Should you want me, I'm yours completely
Should you need me, I'm yours completely

But if you need to be alone
You know I'll gladly leave you

"Waters Ave S" (1997)

Wedding Cake lyrics - Damien Jurado

You told all your friends,
"He's someone I'll regret."
He's out there setting fires to
The demons in his head

Once you called it perfect love
You now call it accident
Do you sit with your photo books
Wondering where it went

It was clearly never meant to be

You told all your friends,
"He's someone I'll forget."
How do you erase a ghost
Who sleeps inside your bed

Throw away your wedding rings
Give away the gown
Say goodbye to the accident
Who only brought you down

It was clearly never meant to be

You told all your friends,
"He's someone I'll regret."
He's out there setting fires to
The demons in his head

Once you called it perfect love
You now call it accident
Do you sit with your photo books
Wondering where he went

It was clearly never meant to be
It was clearly never meant to be

Angel Of May lyrics - Damien Jurado

It's getting hard to pay attention, pay attention to you
Always trying to work it out, work it out, work it out
But a girl you love behind still hangs around
She's always wondering, wondering when you'll come back

The fact is you are not
You will never at all
The fact is you are not

It's getting hard to pay attention, pay attention now
But a girl you love behind still comes around
She's always asking asking, "When will he return?"
I can give her no answer answer

The fact is you are not
You will never at all
The fact is are not
You will never at all

The fact is you are not

At all
At all

Treasures Of Gold lyrics - Damien Jurado

He came from the nearby town
And showed up at your door
Says, "I'm here to take good care of you
And your children four."

He stayed with you all day and night
And took you as his wife
He showered you with gifts of gold
And loved you with his life

I've got treasures of gold

And then one day the soldiers came
And said there was a war
He grabbed his gun and turned to kiss
The family he adored

The woman said her last goodbye
While falling to the floor
She took all his photographs
And hung them on the door

I've got treasures of gold
I've got treasures of gold
I've got treasures of gold
I've got treasures of gold
Treasures of gold
Treasures of gold

Yuma, AZ lyrics - Damien Jurado

Once met a girl in Yuma, Arizona
Whose mother was dyslexic like mine
Grandpa owned a ranch, it's where she learned to dance
I hear she goes out dancing all the time

When it rains, it pours in Yuma, Arizona
When it rains, it pours
And when the sun goes down
You know where she'll be found
Dancing out in the street

She met a boy who worked as a waiter
Down at the local five and dime
She took him to the ranch, it's where he learned to dance
I hear they go out dancing all the time

When it rains, it pours in Yuma, Arizona
When it rains, it pours
And when the sun goes down
You know where they'll be found
Dancing out in the street

When it rains, it pours in Yuma, Arizona
When it rains, it pours
And when the sun goes down
You know where I'll be found
Dancing out in the street

The Joke Is Over lyrics - Damien Jurado

People laugh and pointed at you
They make those jokes and laughing about
Oh, I never did those things

They will make fun of you but not me
They will make fun of you but not me
No I never got it at all

Laughing with you
Laughing with you
Laughing with you
Not at you
Not at you
Not at you

People laugh and pointed at you
They make those jokes and laughing about
Oh, I never did those things

They will make fun of you but not me
They will make fun of you but not me
No I never got the joke

Laughing with you
Laughing with you
Laughing with you
Not at you
Not at you
Not at you

They will make fun of you but not me
They will make fun of you but not me
They will make fun of you but not me
They will make fun of you but not me

Not me
Not me
Not me

Laughing with you
Laughing with you
Laughing with you
Not at you
Not at you
Not at you

Space Age Mom lyrics - Damien Jurado

You believe in flying saucers,
Aliens, and purple monsters
And somehow I think you're the only one
You're saying to me, "I'll never believe this
Just last night I spoke with Elvis
And we went out on a shopping spree."

And you, you're the crazy one
And you, you're just having fun
So you, you're my space age mom

Call your friends at the psychic connection
Tell 'em about the stars' convention
And we can all ride down in your space age car
Tofu hot dogs, meditation,
Reading books by Carl Sagan
No doubt about it, you're one of a kind

And you, you're the crazy one
And you, you're just having fun
So you, you're my space age mom

Circus, Circus, Circus lyrics - Damien Jurado

The clown you noticed stood right by your underside
And took a look at you
Enjoy the circus, take a ride on elephants you'd like
Tonight the ride's on me

He gave you a flower
It squirted water right in your eyes
It made you cry
He says, "I'm sorry."
And takes you for a carousel ride
Tonight the rides are free

Take a ride, the ride's on me
Take a ride, the rides are free
Take a ride, the ride's on me
Take a ride, the rides are free

Hell Or Highwater lyrics - Damien Jurado

Turn off the fountain
Here comes a landslide, down comes a mountain
Mother is crying, "Where are my children?"
They're up in heaven

Did you get to close your eyes
Father setting sun
I think this is the big surprise
We were waiting for

Turn off the fountain
Here comes a landslide, down comes a mountain
Mother is crying, "Where are my children?"
They're all in heaven

Did you get to close your eyes
Father setting sun
I think this is the big surprise
We were waiting for
We were waiting for

Independent lyrics - Damien Jurado

Can I ask a question
Were we meant to be?
Face the wrong direction
Turn around to see
You'll see it's me
And I don't want to play these games
Do you know I know
You know it's not the same

I don't need you anymore
I'm independent there's nothing to say
I don't need you anymore now
I'm independent don't you walk away

Can I ask a question
Were we meant to be?
Face the wrong direction
Don't say you don't need me
I know you do you do
When you call to me
I know you do you do
When you call to me

I don't need you anymore
I'm independent there's nothing to say
I don't need you anymore now
I'm independent there's nothing to say
I'm independent there's nothing to say
I'm independent there's nothing to say
I'm independent don't you walk away
I'm independent don't you walk away

Purple Anteater lyrics - Damien Jurado

Purple anteater waits on the corner
Winging one night, I'm slight
Open eyes just to see he's waiting for the people
That you don't play at all, see them fall

When you think it's easy
Just believe you're deceived
When you think it's easy
Just believe you're deceived

The anteater waits for the bus
He's waiting for his mom
Where's she gone?

So he sits on by the phone
Feeling tired and alone
When will she appear?
It's not clear

When you think it's easy
Just believe you're deceived
When you think it's easy
Just believe you're deceived

The anteater waits for the bus
He's waiting for his mom
Where's she gone?
Where's she gone?

Halo Friendly lyrics - Damien Jurado

I'm standing on the top of the moon, looking down at you
You're tiny, you're ...
I'm standing on the top of the star, wondering where you are
You're driving in your car
I'm standing on the top of the world, looking at a girl
Who doesn't notice me

I'm halo friendly
I'm halo friendly

I'm standing on the top of the world, looking at the girl
Who will someday notice me
I'm standing on the top of a star, you're standing in the yard
You're lonely just like me
I'm standing on the top of the moon, longing to be with you
If only you had wings

I'm halo friendly
I'm halo friendly

I'm halo friendly
I'm halo friendly

Standing at the top of the world

Waters Ave. S. lyrics - Damien Jurado

Autumn falls down these streets we'll walk together
You'll take my hand inside your hand lightly

You used kiss me on the bus and now
I'll walk these streets alone

You used kiss me on the bus and now
I'll walk these streets alone

Meet me downtown we'll walk around just you and me
Hey there's my house Waters Avenue South

You used kiss me on the bus and now
I'll walk these streets alone

You used kiss me on the bus and now
I'll walk these streets alone

You used kiss me on the bus and now
I'll walk these streets alone without you

By myself

Damien Jurado other songs:

I Will Still Be Dead lyrics - Damien Jurado

[from "The Walking Dead: Songs Of Survival" soundtrack]

I fell in to the shallow ground
It soon became my grave
Roll my bones like a dice and play
And dig me with your spade

And you will steal the light
And use it for your fire
And I will still be dead
And I will still be dead

Hold my breath I’ll come back for it
There’s dirt still in my lungs
The insects hide while you lure his eyes
Coffins for our cars

And you will steal the light
And use it for your fire
And I will still be dead
And I will still be dead

Wake me up like Lazarus
And call me to your side
Tell me what to say and feel
So I can stay alive

And you will steal the light
And use it for your fire
And I will still be dead
And I will still be dead

Make Up Your Mind lyrics - Damien Jurado

[from "Big Let Down" single] 

 Sat on the couch for hours talking
About the current situation
Today is the day that we part
Today is the day we fall apart

If you want to talk about it
Darling you know where I'll be

Sat on the porch for hours talking
About the current situation
Today is the day that we part
Today is the day we fall apart

If you want to talk about it
Darling you know where I'll be
If you want to talk about it
Honey you know where I'll be

Make up your mind
